Book on the table

Liturgical Ministries


Students (Child/Youth)

The Altar Server assists the members of the liturgical assembly by presenting or arranging vessels and other items used in the celebrations. Their reverent and efficient service enable other ministers to attend to their own roles while the liturgical actions unfold with calm, order and appropriate decorum. As members of the assembly who are often visible to all, the altar servers also model good liturgical participation. The parish welcomes boys and girls who is in Grade 5 and up to be an Altar Server. This ministry is a wonderful opportunity to develope leadership skills and self confidence from an early stage in life.  They will be given an opportunity to have some training in order to be able to serve at our Litugical Celebration.  If anyone is interested in becoming an Altar Server, you are asked to contact the parish office.


In addition to having Servers assist at the Sunday liturgies, we also invite any adult who might be available during the week to assist as Funeral Servers. This is most important ministry to rpovide assistance with the variety of duties involved with the Funeral Mass. If anyone would like to share their time helping families in their special time of need, please contact the parish office.


The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion serves the Eucharistic life of the community by assisting the Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (bishops, priests, and deacons) during the Communion Rite. They are deputed by the Bishop at the request of the Pastor to assist the celebrant and other Ordinary Ministers during liturgy in distributing the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ. Individuals are commissioned by the Pastor or his delegate. Training and regular workshops are provided for on-going support and formation.

LECTOR (Coordinator: Joseph Longpre)

The Lector serves the liturgical assembly by proclaiming Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word. The competent exercise of this role enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it more readily. They lead the Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful) in the absence of the deacon. Lectors are commissioned by the Pastor or his delegate.


Under the direction of the Liturgical Hospitality Coordinator, the Liturgical Hospitality: Greeters & Ushers serve the Liturgy by helping to establish a climate of welcome, helpfulness and order among those gathered. They assist the assembly with practical details so that the Liturgy and Sacred Rites can be celebrated with ease and grace.


Members of the Music Ministry share in the proper performance of the music sung, and encourage the active participation of the faithful in the singing.

Organist: Diego Iapaolo

Cantors:  John Holland

                Christina Labriola                

                Jonathan Lee

                Alex Matthews

                Josephine Raffaele

                Shawn Scanlan

                Douglas Tranquada